Roksana Paciepnik - Counselling & Psychotherapy in Chiswick

Name - Roksana Paciepnik

Gender - Female

Languages Spoken - English and Polish

Qualifications - Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy (CTA), Masters Degree (MSc) in Psychotherapy, Transactional Analyses 101 Verification

Practices - Chiswick (High Road)

Specialities - Emotional Distress, Relationships, Work Related issues, Self- esteem, Obsessive behaviours and Personal Development

Fees - £85 for Individuals and £120 for couples. Sliding scales and discounted sessions available.

Insurance Companies worked with - AXA

Hello and welcome. I have always considered myself a positive and friendly counselor who understands the importance of empathy, trust and intuition. I am flexible in my approach and can adjust my way of working depending upon what you need from our sessions together.  My experience and knowledge allows me to understand your way of thinking and behaving, helping me to bring about positive change to your life. 

For over 10 years, I’ve worked with children and young adults with severe medical needs, autistic spectrum disorder and extremely challenging behaviours. As a result, I believe that I can be helpful for those clients who may struggle with parenting issues or for those clients providing care for ill and disabled people.

I offer therapy in English and Polish languages. I grew up in Poland, where I completed an MSc in Sport Management and BA in Education. My cultural background enables me to observe that with quickly changing societies and a development of the neuroscience, many of the stereotypes associated with the counselling are disappearing. Therapy has become a recognized and a respected form of assistance when our own solutions become ineffective. Going through difficult situations is sometimes inevitable and everyone experiences them, in a sense, they are an integral part of a life. It is all about assisting you on your journey.


Pomagam ludziom przekraczać ich ograniczenia i blokady emocjonalne. Towarzyszę im w procesie przekształcania lęków i negatywnych emocji w spokój oraz siłę. Pomagam docierać do wewnętrznych zasobów, które umożliwiają realizowanie osobistych celów, pozwalają pełniej żyć w harmonii ze sobą i światem.

W ramach swojej praktyki oferuję sesje indywidualne, a dobór metod przez mnie stosowanych zależy od tego z „czym” przychodzisz.  Nie narzucam interpretacji, ani sposobu pracy, a moje doświadczenie i znajomość technik pozwala na dostosowanie języka zmiany do Twoich potrzeb. Wiem, że doświadczenie trudnych momentów w życiu czasami jest nie do uniknienia.

Pracuję jako terapeuta w placówkach Londynu: Ealing Abbey Counselling Services wcześniej Metanoia Counselling and Psychotherapy Services.

Prowadzę skuteczną terapię w języku polskim i angielskim.

Counselling, Talking Therapy and Psychotherapy In Chiswick W4